
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fans can save you money all year, but only if they're turning in the correct direction. In the winter, or whenever it gets cold enough to heat your home, adjusting the direction switch so that your fan is turning clockwise and setting the fan to a low speed will force the hot air that is trapped in the ceiling down and out towards the walls.

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Air Filters
Do you have the coolest attic in Sarasota?
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17 February 2025
AC Blog
At Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. (SMAC), we have extensive experience partnering with Sarasota-area property managers and community associations to ensure their HVAC systems run smoothly and efficiently. Our team understands th...
25 October 2024
AC Blog
If your air conditioner is screaming or hissing at you, it probably isn’t full of ghosts, but it’s definitely trying to tell you something… If you live in Florida, you’re probably in a committed relationship with your AC, and you want that relationsh...
23 July 2024
AC Blog
Ensure your air conditioning stays safe from power surges. Invest in a high-quality surge protector from Sean McCutcheon's Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. It could save you hundreds of dollars in repair or replacement costs. What is a surge protec...
28 March 2024
AC Blog
You’ve probably heard by now, that Smart Thermostats can reduce your HVAC-related energy consumption by a lot, but energy savings are just the beginning… Before we get into all the bells and whistles, let’s begin by defining our terms… There are 3 ba...
23 January 2024
AC Blog
When it comes to replacing your old air conditioning system in the (usually) balmy Sarasota area, you can turn that old “get it while it’s hot” idiom right on its head… Here in the Suncoast, heating and air conditioning companies are less busy in the...
25 September 2018
AC Blog
The Atlantic Hurricane Season is currently defined as the period between June 1 and November 30. This All-Hazards Planning Guide has all the information you need to prepare for any disaster, in partic...
24 January 2018
AC Blog
We love online shopping as much as the next guy, but there are some things you just shouldn’t buy online and one of them is an Air Conditioning Unit. Lately, there’s been a surge in the number of peop...